
Rules and Expectaions
The 4 B’s
-Be a good listener.
-Be kind to everyone and everything.
-Be safe.
-Be the best student you can be.
Chill Out: The student just needs a little break to refocus and collect him/her self.
Minor Issue: Walk with the teacher for 5 minutes at recess.
Major infraction: (such as hitting) will miss 5 minutes of recess and I will contact the parent about the issue. The students may go to Jen Golen (the safe school assistant) or Mr. Nordquist depending on the issue.
-The students get black stripes throughout the week to trade in for the treasure box at the end of the month.
The Giving Tree: If the class earns 20 apples for compliments and doing a great job in class they will all get out of the treasure box.