State Standards

First Grade State Standards:
-know the life cycle of a plant and an animal.
-make observations and collect data.
-living/nonliving, people need food to survive.
-Go over the past, present and future.
-describe properties of objects.
-four seasons, characteristics and months associated with each season.
-measure with standard and nonstandard units.
-know the local environments natural characteristics.
Social Studies:
-know how we adjust to our environment.
-know how we modify our environment.
-family and neighborhood.
-how we live today and in the past.
-use a timeline to show personal and family history.
-use a map and globe
-know directions: North, South, East and West.
-Identify a legend and key on a map.
-Identify continents and large bodies of water on a map.
-identify their continent, country, state and community.
-basic needs: food, clothing, shelter
-Goods and Services: share, buy, sell, trade.
-identify wants and needs.
-know why rules and necessary.
-U.S. symbols
-know why we celebrate holidays.
-Know their responsibilities at home and at school.
-identify helpful people.
-compare families in other parts of the world.
Language Arts:
-alphabetical order to the first letter.
-read a simple graph.
-identify the first, middle and last sound in a word.
-add, delete, change initial sounds to make new words.
-blend 2-4 phonemes to make words. (cl-ap)
-count syllables in a word.
-know all sounds of all letters.
-use onsets, rimes and patterns to decode words.
-150 sight words
-read 54 words per minute.
-use endings- s, ed, ing
-identify antonyms, synonyms and homonyms
-use a dictionary
-relate self to text
-draw conclusions from pictures.
-identify the topic of a story
-answer: who, what, when, where, why and how.
-sequence a story
-follow one step written directions
-know fiction and nonfiction
-describe the main character, characters and setting in a story
-retell a story: beginning, middle, end
-identify the main idea of a story and develop one of their own.
-revise writing by adding, substituting or retelling the text.
-capitalization (first word, names of people, and I)
-ending punctuation
-publish and illustrate a draft.
-write a narrative based on a personal experience.
-create simple rhymes, poems and songs.
-write to communicate something
-write observations of real objects, persons, places, events or processes.
-write a text to self, text to world or text to text connection.
-use invented spelling
-spell high frequency words correctly
-write a complete sentence with words spaced appropriately.
-identify nouns and verbs.
-follow one and two step oral directions
-give, restate and follow two step directions
-recite short, poems, rhymes and songs.
-use descriptive words in speech
-demonstrate awareness of different media. Know the main idea and if it’s real or imaginary.
-Count by 1’s and 10’s to 100.
-count backwards from 20.
-count with ordinal numbers.
-read, write, compare and order numbers to 100.
-know penny, nickel and dime.
-Add to 10.
-Subtract from 9.
-Estimate up to 10.
-measure length, volume and weight.
-estimate measurement with nonstandard units.
-tell time to the hour.
-Recite days of the week in order.
-identify yesterday, today and tomorrow on a calendar.
-write an addition problem in vertical and horizontal form.
-solve a word problem.
-know less than, greater than and equal to.
-describe and extend a pattern.
-recognize name, build, draw and sort 3D shapes.
-Sort and classify objects by more than one attribute.
-indicate whether a number is above or below a benchmark on a number line.
-interpret information from a graph.
-display data in a graph to answer a question.
-Shape is two-dimensional and can be generalized into organic and geometric categories.
-Form is a three-dimensional shape, either real or an illusion.
-Values are the lights and darks that create contrast in composition.
-Tracing within a stencil and around an object.
-Painting with watercolors, tempera, wet on wet, wet on dry.
-Painting lines (vertical/horizontal/diagonal)
- Painting with splatter and primary/secondary colors.
- Gluing with paper to paper with control.
-Drawing people, animals, foreground and background.
-Drawing lines (vertical, horizontal and diagonal).
- Creating 2-dimensional collages and rubbings.
- Creating murals with crayon and mixed media.
-Sculpting with clay, paper, pinch pots and bead making.
-Weaving paper.
-Creating stitchery w/o needles.
- Printmaking with found objects, sponges and vegetables.
-Using tools - brushes, watercolor sets and water cups.